
Wednesday 29 September 2021

Elder Cat Diet

  A senior cat diet should consist of food that supplies them with the right nutrients. However, since your cat is older  you need to ensure that their food is soft enough for them to chew comfortably. Feeding an elderly cat dry food is not a good idea in the long  term.

If possible, it's best to feed your elderly cat a raw diet. Cats must have protein but they don't need carbohydrates. You can feed fish or any other source of protein to your cat. This should be gently cooked or raw.


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Monday 27 September 2021

Number of Cannabinoids

  So far, researchers have identified at least 480 important compounds in Cannabis sativa. At least 113 of these are cannabinoids and the list of cannabinoids keeps growing. Cannabinoids are proving to be an important group of chemicals in medicine and so, a lot of work is being done to learn how they work.

If you're using CBD creams for pain or are using another form of CBD for anxiety, MS or another illness, your medicine probably contains a lot of different compounds and maybe even terpenes. These work together, having a synergistic effect that is greater than that produced by any of these beneficial compounds working in your body on their own.


Cat ensure

Natural diuretics for dogs 

Monday 6 September 2021

CHF, digoxin and hawthorn in dogs


Here are facts about hawthorn benefits for dog heart health and its interaction with digoxin.

Hawthorn is a flowering shrub in the Rosaceae family, known for its heart-healthy properties in humans and potentially in dogs as well.

Studies suggest that hawthorn like this may improve cardiac function and circulation in dogs with heart conditions.

Hawthorn contains flavonoids, oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), and other compounds that may have antioxidant and vasodilatory effects.

It's believed that hawthorn can help strengthen the heart muscle and improve its ability to pump blood.

Hawthorn may also help regulate blood pressure and reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system.

Some studies indicate that hawthorn can improve exercise tolerance in dogs with heart disease.

Hawthorn supplements for dogs are available in various forms, including capsules, extracts, and tinctures.

When giving hawthorn to dogs, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage.

Hawthorn is generally considered safe for dogs when used in recommended amounts, but adverse effects such as digestive upset may occur in some cases.

Digoxin is a medication commonly prescribed for dogs with heart conditions such as congestive heart failure.

Digoxin works by increasing the strength and efficiency of the heart muscle's contractions.

Hawthorn and digoxin both affect cardiac function, so there is a potential for interaction when used together.

Some studies suggest that hawthorn may enhance the effects of digoxin, leading to an increased risk of side effects or toxicity.

The combination of hawthorn and digoxin may result in excessively slow heart rate (bradycardia) or irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias).

Monitoring is essential when using hawthorn alongside digoxin to ensure that the dog's heart rate and rhythm remain within safe parameters.

Veterinarians may adjust the dosage of digoxin when administering hawthorn concurrently to minimize the risk of adverse effects.

It's crucial for dog owners to inform their veterinarian about any supplements or herbal remedies their pet is receiving, including hawthorn.

Regular check-ups and monitoring of cardiac function are recommended for dogs receiving hawthorn and digoxin therapy.

Hawthorn should not be used as a replacement for prescribed medications for heart conditions in dogs.

Dogs with known allergies to plants in the Rosaceae family should not be given hawthorn supplements.

While hawthorn is generally well-tolerated, individual dogs may react differently, so close observation for any signs of adverse reactions is important.

The safety and efficacy of hawthorn in dogs with specific heart conditions have not been thoroughly researched, so its use should be approached with caution.

Always choose high-quality hawthorn supplements specifically formulated for dogs, and follow the manufacturer's instructions for dosing.

In addition to its potential benefits for heart health, hawthorn may have other health-promoting properties for dogs, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Further research is needed to fully understand the effects of hawthorn on canine heart health and its interactions with medications like digoxin. 

Hawthorn should not be given to dogs that are currently taking digoxin. Digoxin is sometimes prescribed to dogs that have congestive heart failure.

While hawthorn can be helpful in cases where a dog has mild to moderate congestive heart failure it should not be used if a dog is currently taking digoxin. Hawthorn interacts with digoxin, so it increases the availability of digoxin in your dog's blood. This can lead to digoxin toxicity. 


Cat ensure

Natural diuretics for dogs 

Hawthorn for heart health


Hawthorn is a helpful herb for dogs that have heart problems. Hawthorn can also help with digestive issues. If your dog suffers from anxiety you can also give them hawthorn to help.

Hawthorn can be given to your dog orally. Hawthorn is available in over-the-counter supplements. You can speak to your dog veterinarian about adding hawthorn to their diet if your dog has a heart problem.

Hawthorn, also known as Crataegus, is a herb commonly used in traditional medicine for its cardiovascular benefits in both humans and dogs.

It contains flavonoids, oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), and other compounds that can support heart health.

Hawthorn in supplements like this has been used to support cardiac function and improve blood circulation.

Research suggests that hawthorn may help strengthen the heart muscle and regulate heartbeat.

It may also help dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow to the heart and reducing strain on the cardiovascular system.

Hawthorn has antioxidant properties, which can help protect the heart from damage caused by free radicals.

It may also have anti-inflammatory effects, which could benefit dogs with heart conditions.

Hawthorn is commonly used in herbal formulations for dogs with heart problems, such as congestive heart failure or valvular disease.

It is often recommended by holistic veterinarians as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for canine heart health.

The dosage of hawthorn for dogs with heart problems varies depending on the specific condition and the dog's size and weight.

It's important to consult with a veterinarian before giving hawthorn or any other herbal supplement to your dog, especially if they are already taking medication.

Hawthorn is generally considered safe for dogs when used appropriately, but adverse reactions can occur in some cases.

Some dogs may experience gastrointestinal upset, such as nausea or diarrhea, when taking hawthorn.

Dogs with hypotension (low blood pressure) should use hawthorn cautiously, as it may further decrease blood pressure.

Pregnant or lactating dogs should not be given hawthorn without veterinary supervision.

Hawthorn should be given in standardized formulations made specifically for dogs, as human supplements may contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs.

It's important to monitor your dog's condition closely when using hawthorn and report any adverse reactions to your veterinarian.

Hawthorn should be used as part of a holistic approach to managing heart problems in dogs, including proper nutrition, regular exercise, and veterinary care.

While hawthorn may provide some benefits for dogs with heart problems, it is not a substitute for conventional veterinary treatment.

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are essential for monitoring your dog's heart condition and adjusting treatment as needed.

Hawthorn supplements for dogs are available in various forms, including capsules, tinctures, and powders.

Some hawthorn supplements for dogs may contain other herbs or nutrients that complement its effects on heart health.

When choosing a hawthorn supplement for your dog, look for products made by reputable manufacturers that adhere to quality standards.

Store hawthorn supplements for dogs in a cool, dry place away from sunlight, and follow the manufacturer's instructions for dosage and administration.

If you have any concerns about using hawthorn for your dog's heart problems, consult with a veterinarian who is knowledgeable about holistic and integrative approaches to pet care.

Supplements That Support Dog Heart Health

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Sunday 5 September 2021

Healthy diet for cats

   Cats require essential nutrients if they're to live a healthy life. Your cat's diet must consist of protein.

Protein is broken down into amino acids. When your cat's body has what it requires for all of its essential needs, it uses excess protein for energy.

Your cat also requires fat for energy but this should not be given to them in excessive amounts. Cats can also utilize carbohydrates although they don't need carbohydrates in their diet.

All cats need to have a diet that  give them essential amino acids to rebuild muscle, support heart health and for other purposes.

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What does taurine do for cats?


All cats need to have a diet that provides them with taurine. Taurine is an amino acid, so it's a building block of protein.

Taurine affects your cat's reproductive health. It's also essential for proper vision. This amino acid also supports the proper functioning of your cat's heart.

Taurine is only found in meat. This is why cats must eat meat regularly.

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Saturday 4 September 2021

Kitten Food Allergies

  Cat food allergies can be just as distressing as food allergies in humans. if you notice that your cat reacts badly to the type of food that you're giving them you need to change it. It may be causing a lot of problems in addition to what you can see.

Many cat owners already know a cats have an allergic reaction to casein, which is the protein found in milk. However cats can also have an allergic reaction to other foods.

 Typically, cats that are having an allergic reaction to a food may experience itching or inflammation of their skin. It's important to see a veterinarian if you suspect that your cat has developed a food allergy.

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Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure