
Saturday 3 December 2022

Dog hacking cough causes

  Why is your dog coughing?

There are many reasons why your dog could be coughing. It's always best to see a veterinarian if your dog keeps coughing day after day. This is especially important if you can't readily identify a cause for their coughing, such as the presence of allergens in their environment.

Some dogs may cough briefly and stop. However, other dogs may cough and their coughing may be accompanied by difficulty breathing. It's important to see a veterinarian if a dog is coughing and can't breathe well. Persistent coughing along with difficulty breathing is a sign of congestive heart failure in dogs.

Congestive heart failure in dogs is a serious condition. However, if it's diagnosed early, your dog will have a better chance of living for several more years.

Dogs with congestive heart failure cough persistently because fluid starts to build up in their lungs. They also cough because their trachea is irritated. When a dog has congestive heart failure, their trachea can become irritated as their heart becomes bigger and pushes against their trachea.

When a dog is diagnosed with congestive heart failure, veterinarians will usually prescribe diuretics that help to reduce the buildup of fluid. This helps to reduce the coughing. 

A holistic veterinarian may also recommend natural diuretics for dogs that can be used as a part of their treatment regimen. However, natural diuretics for dogs should not be used to replace prescription diuretics when a dog has congestive heart failure.

Sunday 23 October 2022

What should you feed a cat?

 What should you feed a cat?

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet should consist mainly of meat.

A balanced diet for cats includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

High-quality commercial cat food meets most of a cat's nutritional needs.

Wet cat food has higher moisture content, which can help prevent dehydration.

Dry cat food is convenient and can help maintain dental health.

Homemade cat diets require careful planning to ensure all nutritional needs are met.

Cats require essential amino acids like taurine, which is found in animal tissues.

Commercial cat food labels should list protein sources like chicken, beef, or fish.

Cat food should contain minimal carbohydrates, as cats have limited ability to digest them.

Some cats have dietary sensitivities or allergies, requiring specialized diets.

Raw meat diets for cats can carry risks of bacterial contamination if not handled properly.

Cat food should be stored in a cool, dry place to maintain freshness.

Feeding too much can lead to obesity, while feeding too little can cause malnutrition.

Cats may need different diets depending on their age, activity level, and health status.

Kittens require higher levels of protein and calories for growth and development.

Senior cats may benefit from lower-calorie diets to prevent obesity and age-related health issues.

Cat food should be formulated to meet AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) standards.

Treats should make up no more than 10% of a cat's daily calorie intake.

Some human foods are toxic to cats, including onions, garlic, chocolate, and grapes.

Milk is not recommended for adult cats, as many are lactose intolerant.

A gradual transition between diets can help prevent digestive upset.

Feeding schedules can vary, but most cats do well with two meals a day.

Cats should have access to fresh, clean water at all times.

Free-feeding can lead to overeating and obesity in some cats.

Outdoor cats may hunt and consume prey, which can supplement their diet but may not provide all necessary nutrients.

Cat food should be served at room temperature to enhance palatability.

Picky eaters may benefit from rotating different flavors and textures of food.

Cats may need more food in cold weather to maintain body temperature.

Dental health can be supported with specialized dental diets or dental treats.

Overweight cats may benefit from weight management diets that are lower in calories.

Some medical conditions, such as kidney disease or diabetes, may require specialized diets.

Regular veterinary check-ups can help monitor a cat's weight and overall health.

Homemade diets should be formulated under the guidance of a veterinary nutritionist.

Changes in appetite, weight loss, or excessive thirst can indicate health problems and should be evaluated by a veterinarian.

Cat food should be free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.

Some cats prefer elevated feeding stations to reduce neck strain.

Avoid feeding dogs' food to cats, as their nutritional needs differ.

Some cats may enjoy occasional small amounts of fruits or vegetables as treats or packaged treats such as these.

Fish should be fed in moderation due to potential mercury contamination.

Always consult with a veterinarian before making significant changes to a cat's diet.

Friday 21 October 2022

Psilocybin and cancer

 Psilocybin and Cancer

Psilocybin is a psychoactive compound found in certain species of mushrooms, commonly known as "magic mushrooms."

Research suggests that psilocybin may have therapeutic potential in treating various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

While there's limited direct research on psilocybin's effects on cancer, some studies have explored its potential benefits in palliative care and end-of-life anxiety among cancer patients.

A study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that a single dose of psilocybin significantly reduced depression and anxiety in cancer patients, with effects lasting up to six months.

Another study published in the same journal reported that psilocybin-assisted therapy improved emotional and spiritual well-being in patients with advanced-stage cancer.

Psilocybin is believed to work by modulating serotonin receptors in the brain, leading to alterations in perception, mood, and cognition.

The psychedelic experience induced by psilocybin may help patients confront existential and emotional distress associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Some cancer patients report profound mystical or spiritual experiences during psilocybin-assisted therapy, which can lead to greater acceptance and peace regarding their condition.

Psilocybin therapy is typically administered in a controlled setting under the supervision of trained professionals to ensure safety and optimize therapeutic outcomes.

While psilocybin shows promise in improving quality of life for cancer patients, more research is needed to fully understand its long-term effects and potential risks, especially regarding interactions with existing medications and medical conditions.

It's important to note that psilocybin is still classified as a Schedule I controlled substance in many countries, including the United States, which limits its availability for research and clinical use.

Despite regulatory challenges, there's growing interest in exploring the therapeutic potential of psilocybin and other psychedelics in various medical and mental health applications, including cancer care.

Advocates argue that psilocybin therapy represents a paradigm shift in how we approach mental health and end-of-life care, emphasizing holistic and patient-centered approaches.

Some researchers are investigating the potential anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of psilocybin, which could have implications for cancer treatment and symptom management. Learn more about psilocybin therapy at legal retreats like these in Jamaica here.

The psychedelic experience induced by psilocybin may also promote neuroplasticity and enhance psychological resilience, which could be beneficial for cancer patients coping with the challenges of diagnosis and treatment.

Psilocybin therapy is often integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan that may include conventional medical interventions, psychotherapy, and complementary therapies to address the multifaceted needs of cancer patients.

The therapeutic effects of psilocybin are not solely attributable to the compound itself but also to the therapeutic relationship, setting, and intentionality of the therapeutic experience.

Research on psilocybin and cancer is still in its early stages, and future studies will help elucidate its mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential in oncology.

It's essential for healthcare providers to have open and informed discussions with patients about the potential benefits, risks, and legal considerations of psilocybin therapy, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their care.

Integrating psilocybin therapy into mainstream healthcare will require overcoming regulatory hurdles, stigma, and cultural biases surrounding psychedelics and mental health treatment.

In February, 2023, there was a legal retreat for psilocybin facilitators. It was held in Jamaica. If you're interested, here's more info:


Thursday 20 October 2022

Dog calming experience

  Dog separation anxiety can result in self-injury and property damage, but calming sprays can prevent these behaviors. 

Clinical signs like pacing can indicate dog anxiety, but pet parents should consult a veterinarian to eliminate other possible causes. Talk to a vet to get access to helpful information.

A licensed vet team can help pets to improve their emotional wellness. 

Friday 14 October 2022

Dog separation anxiety

  Dog separation anxiety safety

Safety and self-injuries are issues for dogs with separation anxiety. This applies to dogs of all ages.

Dogs might try to escape from their home or any other area in which they're confined. Even if they're placed in a crate, they could try to escape from their crate.

These dogs often damage their teeth, paws and other parts of their body as they try to chew through doors and windows.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Garlic unsafe for cats

  Can cats eat baby food with additives? 

Cats cannot eat baby food with additives. Additives might be harmful to a cat. For example, some spices and seasonings such as garlic should not be given to cats. If your cat is feeling ill and you want to increase their appetite you can give them a little of a baby food that's made with meat.

Do not give them any baby food that contains spices. For example, if the baby food is seasoned with onions, it's bad for cats. Onions are toxic for cats. Similarly, if the baby food is seasoned with garlic, it can harm your cat. 

Cats should not have garlic. Always consult your veterinarian before giving your cat any type of spice or food additive.

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Does baby food with garlic harm cats?

  Can cats eat baby food with garlic and onions? 

Cats cannot eat baby food with garlic and onions. Cats should not be given any type of food that has garlic. Cats cannot eat baby food or any other type of food that has onions.

Cats can end up at the veterinary clinic if they're given food that has garlic or onions. If a cat is ill and you want to relax them to have something to eat, you can give them a small amount of meat baby food.

This meat based baby food should not contain any additives. For example, you can give a cat unseasoned meat baby food that doesn't have any additives.

Should cats eat baby food?

  Can cats eat baby food if they're sick? 

Cats can eat meat based baby food if they're ill? Cats can only eat meat-based baby food if its free of additives.

Sick cats should also only be given a moderate portion of meat based baby food. So, meat based baby food can't be used as a regular or daily substitute for regular cat food.

Friday 16 September 2022

Can cats be allergic to grits?

   Can cats have food allergies? Yes. Cats can have food allergies. Your cat can be allergic to a particular type of food, even if it's raw.

Your cat can also be allergic to an additive that's in processed food. So, your cat could be allergic to an unprocessed food, such as chicken.

 They could also be allergic to a processed food such as a chicken breast snack because of an additive that's in the treat. 

Cats can be allergic to different types of protein so, they can be allergic to a protein that's found in turkey or beef.

Your cat could also be allergic to a protein that's found in a whole grain, such as corn.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Can dust mites harm cats?

 Are cats allergic to mites? Yes. Cats can have an allergic reaction to dust mites.

Dust mites are small and often undetectable. Dust mites can cause your cat to have an allergic reaction that lasts for weeks. In fact, many people only realize that their cats are being affected by mites when they noticed signs of an allergic reaction to mites. 

Cat dust mite allergic reactions include itching. When cats start to itch because of mites they'll scratch at the affected areas. 

Scratching at their neck and other affected parts of their body like this can cause damage to their skin which can lead to a secondary infection. This is just one of the reasons why it's important for pet parents to have cats itching from dust mites treated as quickly as possible. 

A cat dust mite allergic reaction can be treated with the help of a veterinarian. If you have more than one cat in your household, all of the cats who are having an allergic reaction will usually need to be treated.

Also treat your home for dust mites even if you're currently only seeing symptoms on one cat.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Allergic cats

  Can cats get allergies? Yes. Cats can definitely get allergies just as their people can.

One of the most common cat allergens is dust. So, it's important for your cat to have clean, comfortable areas where they can rest and play that are free of dust. 

Other inhalants can also trigger allergic reactions in cats. These include mold which can be found in areas that are moist and warm. 

Pollen is also a cat allergen. Your cat could definitely be exposed to pollen if they go outdoors especially during certain seasons.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Monday 11 April 2022

Glucosamine for Cats

 Glucosamine supplements are produced from shellfish or fermented corn and they contain compounds which are similar to those found in the inner lining of a cat's bladder.

 Veterinarians have noted that patients with feline lower urinary tract disease also experience an improvement in bladder health while they're receiving glucosamine for arthritis.

Monday 28 February 2022